CS 111 -- Spring 2018

Introduction to Data Structures

MWF 11-11:50 AER 135

Lab M (3-5:50), W (6-8:50) 137 AER

Policies and Procedures

Instructor: Cindy Tanner        E-Mail:cindy.tanner@mail.wvu.edu
WWW URL:  community.wvu.edu/~cdtanner
Office:250 AER                  Phone:293-9138 
Office Hours: Monday  1-2:30, Wednesday 1-2:30, 
             Thursday 1-3, Friday 1-2:30 and by Appointment

Lab Instructor:  Branson Beach
Text: Koffman and Wolfgang, Data Structures Abstraction and Design Using
Java. Third Edition. Wiley ISBN: 978-1-119-18652-6.

Pre-requisite: CS 110, minimum grade of C.

Grading: The requirements for this class will be three COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS, a final exam, and assigned work, which will consist of quizes and programming exercises, as assigned in lab. The breakdown of percentages is as follows:

        Three Exams           13.3% each
        Final Exam            25% Thursday May 3 11-1
        Homework              10%
        Lab Grade             25%

Tentative Exam Schedule:

        Exam I:   Week of Feb 12
        Exam II:  Week of March 19
        Exam III: Week of April 9

THERE WILL BE NO MAKEUP EXAMS without prior approval.

Letter Grades will be assigned as follows:

        90%-100%               A
        80%-89%                B
        70%-79%                C
        60%-69%                D
        < 60%                  F

Audits: This class can not be taken for audit credit.

Attendance: Attendance is not required nor will it be kept track of formally, however all students are responsible for all material covered during lectures and/or assigned to be done outside of class. Since you are not required to attend if you choose to you should be fully present thus, CELL PHONES CAN NOT BE USED in any way during class.

Late Assignments: No assignment will be accepted late under any circumstances, turn in whatever is done at the due date/time...partial credit is better than none.

Academic Dishonesty: All work is to be done on an INDIVIDUAL basis. Evidence to the contrary will be regarded as academic dishonesty and will be dealt with swiftly and decisively in accordance with the provisions outlined in the WVU Undergraduate catalog.

Social Justice: The West Virginia University community is committed to creating and fostering a positive learning and working environment based on open communication, mutual respect, and inclusion.

If you are a person with a disability and anticipate needing any type of accommodation in order to participate in this class, please advise me and make appropriate arrangements with the Office of Disability Services (293-6700). For more information on West Virginia University's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives, please see http://diversity.wvu.edu."