Jerin Lee
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Curriculum Vitae



Psychology. University of Michigan



Psychology. University of Michigan

My primary research interests involve understanding how attitudes motivate, shape, and influence behavior. For example, I am concerned with examining how prejudicial attitudes and the intersection of identities (e.g., ageXgender, ageXraceXgender) are involved with psychological outcomes. Another area of my research interests involves mindfulness. Specifically, understanding the mechanisms by which mindfulness works to reduce negativity biases and prejudicial attitudes across time.


Chang, E. C., Chang, O. D., Lee, J., Lucas, A. G., Li, M., Castro, K. M., Pham, S., Cho, G. Y., Purmasir, Y. S., Yu, E. A., Wu, K., Lui, P. P., Rollock, D., Kwon, P., Chen, X., Hirsch, J. K., & Jeglic, E. L. (in press). Going beyond ethnoracial discrimination and social support in accounting for psychological adjustment: Evidence for the importance of hope as a positive psychological construct in multiethnoracial adults. The Journal of Positive Psychology.

Lee, J., Chang, E. C., Lucas, A. G., & Hirsch, J. K. (in press). Academic motivation and psychological needs as predictors of suicidal risk. Journal of College Counseling.

Lucas, A. G., Chang, E. C., Lee, J., & Hirsch, J. K. (in press). Positive expectancies for the future as potential protective factors of suicide risk in adults: Does optimism and hope predict suicidal behaviors in primary care patients? International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.

Chang,E. C., Yu, T., Lee, J., Kamble, S. V., Batterbee, C. N.-H., Stam, K. R., Chang, O. D., Najarian, A. S.-M., & Wright, K. M. (2018). Understanding the association between spirituality, religiosity, and feelings of happiness and sadness among HIV-positive Indian adults: Examining stress-related growth as a mediator. Journal of Religion and Health, 57, 1052-1061.

Chang, E. C., Díaz, L., Lucas, A. G., Lee, J., Powell, N. J., Kafelghazal, S., Chartier, S. J., Morris, L. E., Marshall-Broaden, T. M., Hirsch, J. K., & Jeglic, E. L. (2017). Ethnic identity and loneliness in predicting suicide risk in Latino college students. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 39, 470-485.

Chang, E. C., Lee, J., Morris, L. E., Lucas, A. G., Chang, O. D., & Hirsch, J. K. (2017). A preliminary examination of negative life events and sexual assault victimization as predictors of psychological functioning in female college students: Is one more important than the other? Journal of Interpersonal Violence. OnlineFirst. doi: 10.1177/0886260517719901

Chang, E. C., Chang, O. D., Martos, T., Sallay, V., Lee, J., Stam, K. R., Batterbee, C. N.-H., & Yu, T. (2017). Family support as a moderator of the relationship between loneliness and suicide risk in college students: Having a supportive family matters! The Family Journal, 25, 257-263.

Chang, E. C., Najarian, A. S.-M., Chang, O. D., Hill, G. M., & Lee, J. (2017). Athletic competence as a central facet of sport orientation among collegiate athletes. Journal of Sport Behavior, 40, 269-277

Chang, E. C., Chang O. D., Martos, T., Sallay, V., Li, X., Lucas, A. G., & Lee, J. (2017). Does optimism weaken the negative effects of being lonely on suicide risk? Death Studies, 42, 63-68.

Jilani, Z., Chang, E. C., Lee, J., & Batterbee, C. (2017). Psychological models of health in South Asian Americans. To appear in M. Perera & E. C. Chang (Eds.), Biopsychosocial approaches to understanding health in South Asian Americans. New York: Springer.

Chang, E. C., Martos, T., Sallay, V., Chang, O. D., Wright, K. M., Najarian, A. S.-M., & Lee, J. (2016). Examining optimism and hope as protective factors of suicide risk in Hungarian college students: Is risk highest for those lacking positive psychological protection? Cognitive Therapy and Research, 41, 278-288.

Chang, E. C., Lee, J., Wright, K. M., Najarian, A. S.-M., Yu, T., Chang, O. D., & Hirsch, J. (2016). Examining sexual assault victimization and loneliness as risk factors associated with non-lethal self-harm behaviors in female college students: Is it important to control for concomitant suicidal behaviors (and vice versa)? Journal of Interpersonal Violence.

Chang, E. C., Chang, O. D., Martos, T., Sallay, V., Najarian, A. S.-M., & Lee, J. (2016). Validity of the Frequency of Suicidal Ideation Inventory in Hungarian adults. Death Studies, 41, 236-240.

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