Donald J. Lacombe's MATLAB Code for Spatial Econometrics Page
This page contains MATLAB Code for various spatial econometric routines.
Please click on the following links to access the files.
KNN Weight Matrix Code. The following code produces a k nearest neighbors spatial weight matrix using the Great Circle formula.
The routine generates a sparse spatial weight matrix using user supplied coordinates.
results can be more accurate than using Euclidean distance formulas.
The routine can be slower than other routines if the data set is large.
A demonstration file is included in the zip archive.
KNN Weight Matrix Code Great Circle Distance: Download Here
Update: February 11, 2016
have updated the routine with a different formula for calcualting the
pairwise distances that is even more accurate than the previous code.
Many thanks to my colleague and frequent co-author
Stuart McIntyre of the University of Strathclyde for helping with this new routine.
Lagrange Multiplier Testing Suite. The Lagrange Multiplier Testing Suite contains the following tests for spatial dependence:
- LM Lag Test
- LM Error Test
- LM Lag Robust Test
- LM Error Robust Test
- LM Combined Lag / Error Test
- LM Spatial Error Components Test
- LeSage and Pace Spatial Hausman Test
Lagrange Multiplier Testing Suite is designed to be used in conjunction
with Jim LeSage's Spatial Econometric Toolbox for MATLAB.
LM Testing Suite: Download Here
Multiplier Tests for Panel Data. The following file contains MATLAB
code to calculate Lagrange Multiplier tests for panel data:
- LM Lag Panel Test
- LM Error Panel Test
- LM Lag Robust Panel Test
- LM Error Robust Panel Test
These tests are based on the formulas in J. Paul Elhorst's chapter on spatial panel data models:
Elhorst JP (2009) Spatial Panel Data Models. In Fischer MM, Getis A (Eds.) Handbook of Applied Spatial Analysis, pp. 377-407.
Springer: Berlin Heidelberg New York.
demonstration file is included in the zip folder. These files are
designed to be used with Jim LeSage's Spatial Econometrics Toolbox for
The previous code that was posted had an error in the LM Robust Error
test for the spatial panel. The correct code is now available via the
link below.
Many thanks to Paul Elhorst and Raymond Florax for pointing out this error!
LM Panel Testing Code: Download Here
Elhorst Spatial Panel Code with the LeSage and Pace Effects Estimates
on 3/21/11: The Elhorst Spatial Panel MATLAB code that has been
extended to include the bias correction procedure of Lee and Yu (2010)
now include the LeSage and Pace
effects estimates that calculate the correct marginal effects in the
case of a spatially lagged dependent variable. These routines print out
the effects estimates in a similar fashion to the LeSage and Pace
spatial econometrics toolbox routines. A demonstration file
("panel_effects_demo") is included
in the zip file and these routines are designed to be used in
conjunction with the LeSage and Pace Spatial Econometrics toolbox.
thanks to Professor Paul Elhorst for confirming the accuracy of the
The code is based on J. Paul Elhorst's working paper on spatial panel data models and on a book chapter:
Elhorst JP (2011) MATLAB Software for Spatial Panels. Available at
Elhorst JP (2009) Spatial Panel Data Models. In Fischer MM, Getis A (Eds.) Handbook of Applied Spatial Analysis, pp. 377-407.
Springer: Berlin Heidelberg New York.
Elhorst Bias Corrected Spatial Panel Code with Effects Estimates
Distance Based Weight Matrix Code
The following zip file has code to calculate two different types of distance based weight matrices:
- Distance Based on Cutoff Value
- Inverse Distance Based on Cutoff Value
code is currently designed to build weight matrices to ensure that all
geographic entities have at least one neighbor. The code can be
modified to allow for distances in kilometers or miles, or for an
arbitrary distance cutoff, such as the average of all distances, or for
a specific value.
Distance Based Weight Matrices: Download Here
Row Normalize Across Two Weight Matrices
following MATLAB routine will allow users to row normalize across two
weight matrices. The routine works with full or sparse weight matrices.
Row Normalize for Two Weight Matrices
Distance Based Weight Matrix with Bands
following zip file contains code to calculate a distance based weight
matrix with bands, where geographic entities that are withtin a certain
distance band are considered neighbors. Included in the zip file is the
code and a demonstration file.
Distance Based Weight Matrix with Bands: Download Here
Related Links
Jim LeSage's Spatial Econometrics Toolbox
Kelley Pace's Spatial Statistics Toolbox
Paul Elhorst's Web Page
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