Donald J. Lacombe's Teaching Page
ARE/ECON 729: Spatial Econometrics Spring 2015
The syllabus for ARE/ECON 729 Spring Semester 2015 is available by clicking this link.
MATLAB Tutorials
provides short video presentations that allow users to learn the basics
of the language. Especially useful are the "Getting Started"
demonstration videos.
Click here to access the MATLAB video presentations.
Peter Blossey has a short (16 page PDF) MATLAB tutorial that can be accessed by clicking here.
C. Frain has a comprehensive guide to using MATLAB for Econometrics
entitled "An Introduction to MATLAB for Econometrics" that illustrates
a number of econometric ideas
and how these can be implemented in MATLAB.
Click here to download the PDF file.
Spatial Econometrics and GIS Links
Professor Mark Burkey has produced some videos that illustrate the use of MapWindow, an open source GIS product.
Click here to access Professor Burkey's page that explains how to use Map Window.
Note: There are several links on the right hand side, including a link to download the MapWindow software.
There are several online source for Shape Files that you can use in your own research. Here are a few:
U.S. Census TIGER Products: Click here to access the U.S. Census TIGER Products.
The DIVA-GIS website has Shape Files for most countires of the world.
Look for the "Free Spatial Data" link to download these files. Click here to access DIVA-GIS.
U.S Census Cartographic Boundary Files: The current version of this website can be accessed by clicking here. Note that the previous version can also be accessed from this page.
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