Reading Responses

Week One

A quick glance at the effects of applying Derrida to Mcluhan.

Week Two

A look at how McLuhan may respond to video games.

Week Three

A glance at our digital and literary Klout

Week Four

A look at Text's Containment

Week Five

A brief discussion regarding the problems of calling a lot of e-literature "literature."

Week Six

A look at the lifespan of our own digital frontier

Week Seven

Is it Nihilism or Narcissism that encourages our online behavior?

Week Eight

Is Our Identity Really just Part of a Game?

Week Nine

Can we use all this data mining of our privacy to better define our friendships?

Week Ten

A few thoughts about the state of freedom on Wikipedia

A Plagiarizing Pedagogy: How teaching plagiarism can lead to a more informed and less afraid student population

A quick proposal to extend the views of Kenny Goldsmith in the composition classroom.

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