Center of Software Evolution: Software Architecture and Design Patterns |
The objective of this research project is to investigate the development of object oriented design frameworks using design patterns
Research Tasks
The current research Activities include:
Designing a framework for closed-loop control systems using an existing set of design patterns. The patterns used in the frame work have been tested and used in many other applications. The utilization of the patterns and their interconnection to produce a generic architecture for a feedback control system is the main target of the proposed framework.
Design and development of application specific frameworks for real-time software system and distributed system applications. Reusable patterns are deployed in the proposed frameworks. Analysis and design patterns shall be used in different phases of analysis and design of the framework. An architecture based on layered structure for distributed applications shall be developed. Investigation will be conducted on using Design Patterns in suitable layers in this layered architecture. A distributed health care system will be used as an illustrative example. Health systems standards will be used to guide the development of the framework.
We are investigating a developement methodology to built framework using design patterns as their building blocks which we called Pattern Oriented Frameworks
Abstraction of new design patterns used and produced in the real-time distributed application frameworks. New design patterns shall be investigated when required in the framework desgin. Currently we have documented:
Developing specification for building frameworks for large scale systems using design patterns. The objective is to define the interconnection relationship between patterns to develop frameworks in an easy and fast manner.
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"Center of Excellence in Software Evolution"
Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV 26506-6109
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Software Architectures and High Performance Computing Research Group
Recent Publications
Yacoub, S., and H. Ammar, "A Pattern Language of Statechart", in the Proceedings of Fifth Annual Conference on the Pattern Languages of Programs, PLoP'98, Allerton Park, Illinois, August 1998
Yacoub, S., and H. Ammar, "Finite State Machine Patterns", in the Proceedings of Third European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programming and Computing, EuroPLoP'98, Bad Irsee, Germany, July 1998.
Yacoub, S., and H. Ammar, "An Object-oriented Framework for Feedback Control Applications", in Proc. of Application Specific Software Engineering Technology ASSET'98, IEEE Computer Society, Dallas, Texas, March 1998, pp134-139
Yacoub, S., and H. Ammar, "Towards Pattern Oriented Frameworks", To appear in Journal of Object Oriented Programming
Yacoub, S., and H. Ammar, "A Technique to Measure Coupling in Object-Oriented Designs", Proc. of the Ninth International Conference on Software Reliability Engineering, ISSRE'99, Industrial Track, Paderborn, Germany, Nov 4-7, 1998, pp95-102
Yacoub, S., and H. Ammar, "The Development of a Client/Server Architecture for Standardized Medical Application Network Services", To appear in the Proc. of IEEE symposium on Application Specific Software Engineering and Technology ASSET'99, IEEE Computer Society, Dallas, Texas, March 1999