Contact Information
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems
West Virginia University Institute of Technology
405 Fayette Pike
Montgomery, WV 25136

Phone: (304) 442-3272
Fax: (304) 442-3201

High School Programming Competition

Date: Saturday, November 12, 2016
Time: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Location: College of Engineering and Sciences Building

The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems at WVU Institute of Technology is excited to announce and invite high school students (incoming 9th-12th graders) to our annual WVU Tech High School Programming Competition. The competition will be on Saturday, November 12, 2016 at the College of Engineering and Sciences Building at the WVU Tech campus in Montgomery, WV.

The competition will be an all-day event, where students will test their problem-solving and programming skills on several problems of varying difficulty. Lunch will be provided, and we will have refreshments after the competition. Cash prizes will be awarded to each student in the top three teams. The amounts are $100 for each member on the third place team, $200 for each member on the second place team, and $300 for each member on the first place team. In addition, eligible members of the top three teams will receive scholarships to attend WVU Tech. Each member on the third place team will be eligible for up to $1,000, each member on the second place team will be eligible for up to $2,000, and each member on the first place team will be eligible for up to $3,000. These scholarships are renewable for up to four years, on the condition that they meet the eligibility requirements as specified by our financial aid department.

To register for the competition, please go to Please have your team(s) complete the registration form by October 31, 2016.

If you would like to print and distribute our flier to help advertise the event, you may downloaded it here.

Additional information and rules are provided below:

Competition Rules

Team Composition

Each team may consist of up to and including three (3) students who are enrolled in the same institution. There is no limit to the number of teams an institution may send. However, at least one faculty member from the institution must be present at the competition.


Each team may bring as much printed material as desired. This includes books, notes (handwritten or typed), printed code, etc. However, no electronic devices and/or material are allowed during the competition. This includes laptops, phones, calculators, smartwatches, iPhones, USB drives, or any other form of media. At the judge's discretion, a calculator program may be provided to the contestants on their computer.


Each team will have access to a single computer that runs Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Linux (64-bit). Other computers in the lab must stay off during the competition. Each team will be provided information on how to log into its assigned computer at registration. Teams will not have their own printer. Instead, a network printer will be available in the room.

Teams will be able to use the following editors for writing their programs: vi/vim, gvim, emacs, gedit, Eclipse 4.3.1, Dr. Java.

Any attempt to defeat or alter the competition environment may result in disqualification.


No food or drinks are allowed in the labs. Lunch will be provided prior to the competition, and refreshments will be available afterwards.

Teams must stay in the labs for the duration of the competition. If a person needs to leave a lab for some reason (e.g., go to the restroom), he/she must speak with the competition staff, who will escort him/her.


During the competition, faculty advisors are not allowed to be in the competition room. They may be present during the practice session to help the teams become acquainted with the competition software.

Once the competition starts, teams shall not receive any outside assistance with the programs. The only discussion permitted is within a team and with the competition staff. This includes browsing the Internet, eMail, cellular phones, instant messenger, or any other form of electronic communication. Teams shall not discuss any problem or solution with their team advisor. Teams shall not discuss the contest with other teams. Teams shall not attempt to interfere with the progress of other teams. In short, each team must work on their own.

Teams may submit a request for clarification of a problem statement. All questions, regardless of their nature, will be answered. If the judges determine that an error exists in the statement, a clarification will be issued and be made available to all teams. If no error exists in the statement, the answer to the clarification will only be made available to the team that submitted it.

Competition Format

Problem Set

The competition will consist of ten (10) problems, varying in difficulty. Note that the problems are not presented in order of difficulty. Teams may solve and submit the problems in any order they want, and each problem awards the same amount of points.

The programs must not perform any file input or output operations. All input will come from standard input (i.e., the keyboard), and all output will go to standard output (i.e., the console/terminal).


The software we will use for submitting programs is PC^2, which is developed at CSU Sacramento. More information about the software can be found at PC^2 accepts the following programming languages:

  • C (gcc Version 4.6.3)
  • C++ (g++ Version 4.6.3)
  • Java (Version 1.7)
  • Python (Version 2.7.3)

A submission is defined as an execution of a problem solution submitted by a team that is performed by a judge that uses input data supplied by the judge. This data is never seen by any teams. If a submission is deemed successful by the judge (i.e., it produces correct output using the judge's input), the submission will be judged "Correct", and the judge will provide the response YES.

If it is deemed unsuccessful, a notification that the submission was incorrect will be returned to the team. No part of the program, compiler output, data, or program output from a submission is returned to the team. Instead, the notification returned will be one of the following phrases:

  • NO - Compile Error - The submitted program didn't compile correctly.
  • NO - Time Limit Exceeded - The submitted program ran for longer than 60 seconds without terminating.
  • NO - Wrong AnswerThe submitted program produced an incorrect answer for at least one of the test cases.
  • NO - Runtime Error - The submitted program terminated abnormally.
  • NO - Output Format Error - The output of the submitted program does not match the correct output.
  • NO - Other (Please see staff) - The submitted program produced an error that is not classified from above. The judge will provide additional information if this happens.

Although judges will not intentionally attempt to mislead teams about the nature of their errors, neither will they guarantee identification of the real error in the program. Normally, the first symptom of the error will be noted and described by the most appropriate phrase.


The team that has had the most problems judged correct at the end of the contest will be declared the winner. If more than one team has solved the same number of problems, the winner is the one with the fewest penalty points.

Penalty points are assessed for solved problems only. Each problem accumulates one penalty point for each minute from the beginning of the contest until the time of a correct submission. Twenty (20) penalty points are assessed for each incorrect submission.

The contest director reserves the right to adjust penalty points to allow for unforeseen circumstances.


Time Event Location
9:00 AM Registration Engineering Lobby
10:15 AM Welcome and Overview Engineering Auditorium
10:30 AM Practice Session for Students Computer Labs
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Lunch Engineering Lobby and Auditorium
12:45 PM Precompetition Briefing Engineering Auditorium
1:00 - 5:00 PM Student Competition Computer Labs
5:00 PM Refreshments Engineering Lobby
5:30 PM Awards Ceremony Engineering Auditorium


The prizes for the teams are as follows:

  • 1st Place - $300 cash and up to $3,000 scholarship for each member of the team
  • 2nd Place - $200 cash and up to $2,000 scholarship for each member of the team
  • 3rd Place - $100 cash and up to $1,000 scholarship for each member of the team

These scholarships are renewable for up to four years, on the condition that they meet the eligibility requirements as specified by our financial aid department.