Current Research Projects

I lead the Wireless Sensor Actuator Networks (WSAN) Research Group at West Virginia University. My research focuses on design of scalable and robust sensor actuator systems. I work on the following two main tracks in this area.


Scalable and robust network protocols


Here, my focus is on designing protocols for data aggregation, data dissemination, and querying in large scale sensor networks and mobile ad-hoc networks. Some of the projects that I work in this area are:


§  Scaling dynamic, mobile ad-hoc networks in congested environments using application specific networking patterns

§  Distance-sensitivity as a middleware for supporting large scale networked dynamical systems (click to learn what and why)

§  Geometric structures for scalable sensor network protocols


Applications and systems development


Here, I collaborate with scientists in multiple disciplines such as Mining, Mechanical Engg, Control systems, Analog systems and Biometrics, in developing end-to-end sensor network systems applied towards specific problems. Some of the projects that I work in this area are:


§  Applying sensor networks for monitoring and control in harsh environments

§  Integrated control-communication framework for cyber-physical systems and WSN based control applications

§  Smart camera networks for biometrics and surveillance

§  Platforms for ultra-low power sensor networks


In collaboration with my colleagues, David Graham and Brandon Rumberg, I have co-founded a startup company Aspinity Inc. that focuses on ultra-low power sensor system design based on a patent-pending selective wakeup technology using analog signal processing.


As part of my research on cyber-physical systems, I also closely collaborate with other faculty involved energy, networking and transportation research at WVU. We have now formed a collaborative Network, Energy and Transportation Systems lab at WVU. The NETS lab page can be accessed here.