
Mission Statement - My research is concerned with the design, development and analysis of algorithms for problems from domains that I find interesting. The problems that I focus on usually arise in practical situations and hence modeling is a crucial portion of my research. While simplifying assumptions lead to an elegant theory, more often than not, the theory has limited application. On the other hand, solution approaches adopted for real-world problems, heuristic or otherwise, lack a sound theoretical footing. One of the goals in my research is to extend the techniques developed for simple models, to include models which capture more realistic situations.

In my research, design approaches and complexity analyses tend to complement each other so that the insights revealed by one are used in extending the boundaries of the other. To me, proving the completeness of a problem for a complexity class is much more than a theoretical achievement; it reveals a deep understanding of the issues involved in making the problem tick. This aspect of research often leads to the posing of interesting questions, the answers to which, while enlightening in their own right, also divulge deeper insights into some of the more fundamental enigmas in theoretical computer science.

Design Domains - The problems that I study are usually from, but not confined to, the following domains:
  1. Scheduling
  2. VLSI Design
  3. Computational Science
  4. Applied and Polyhedral Combinatorics

Dissemination - I have organized my research publications into a series of technical reports. These reports represent preliminary versions of my research work which can be quickly disseminated for review and collaboration. Modified versions of these reports are in the submission/publication loop.

Technical Report Series

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