Header image, featuring the designer's portrait


Get to know me and what drives me to create.

Portrait of the designer


I was born in Pennsylvania and grew up in a 150 year old farmhouse in the southwestern area of the state. One of my hobbies is to dress up in historical clothing and hang out at historical sites to volunteer or sell artwork during festivals. I do this most often at Friendship Hill National Historic Site and Fort Necessity, both in Pennsylvania.

My life so far has been marked by a series of obsessions that continue to influence my work even today. First was Sailor Moon, then came dinosaurs, Pokemon, and finally, anime. Anime is a 'phase' I haven't quite gotten out of, but it doesn't take over every aspect of my life as it did in my tender middle school days. Even if others turn their noses at it as a style, I want to show others that it can be just as alluring as any other art or design.


When I do my work, I stick to a creative process that is nearly the same no matter what I'm doing. First thing's first - I've got to have the right music. It's so important to me that I search for new music to make a playlist for the project if I don't have one for it already.

Second, breaks and snacks are a must. I get distracted easily, and sometimes I get stuck if I work for too long in one sitting. To combat this, short breaks are needed.

Third, I get the work done. In short, my process is mostly about positive reinforcement and self-care. I feel that it's best to preserve every ounce of passion I have, because that's what makes my work successful.

Image of the designer taking pictures in the snow
Drawing of designer's portrait


Our dreams are what motivate us to work towards our goals. As humans, we have the ability to make something that only exists in our minds into a reality. Even if it is something as simple as opening a restaurant, or something as grandiose as finding a cure for cancer, our ability to dream is a profound compulsion for many of us. My dream is to make the fantastical into a reality. This includes the universe that I dreamt up for my original characters, as well as other concepts that provoke the imagination into interpreting the surreal as physically existing. It is this mentality that goes into the making of my work.