Taizel is the very first character I created. Her first rendition was made as a Naruto fan character when I was 10 years old, and was very much based on myself in appearance. In fact, her original name was Tairoru, which was supposedly a Japanese rendition of my own name. She continued to closely follow my appearance for many years; when I chopped off my long hair at age 12, Taizel's hair also got chopped. Her personality and outfits changed accordingly as well.
When I was around 14, I decided to "de-Narutofy" her in order to separate her from the already-existing series and put her into a world that was completely my own. She retained her signature scarf, which has stayed with her throughout all of her transformations, and she kept with the theme of dragons. It wasn't until I actually decided to make GemVena into an actual story that I began to separate Taizel from myself to make her into her own person.
This happened around my senior year of high school. The first changes were to her personality, which weren't immediately noticeable in any drawings. The second changes were probably the largest - I completely changed her color scheme. In order to separate her from myself, we couldn't have similar appearances. So, I made her hair white, and her color scheme mostly red. Eventually, I sealed the deal by naming her Taizel, which was still somewhat true to her old name while still being something new.