
Homework Set Solutions Due Date
Homework 1 Homework 1 Solutions
Homework 2
Homework 2 Solutions
Homework 3
Homework 3 Solutions
Homework 4
Homework 4 Solutions
Homework 5
Homework 5 Solutions
Homework 6
Homework 6 Solutions
Homework 7
Homework 7 Solutions
Homework 8
Homework 8 Solutions
Homework 9
Homework 9 Solutions
Homework 10
Homework 10 Solutions
Homework 11
Homework 11 Solutions

Regular homework problems do not need to be turned in.  However, the most recent homework set is the subject of any pop quizzes that are given in class. 

Transform tables can be found here.  These transform tables will be included on all tests covering Laplace transforms and/or z transforms. 

Semilogx paper for sketching Bode plots can be found here

MATLAB Assignments

Matlab Assignment
Due Date .mat File
.mat File
Matlab Assignment 1 9/14

Matlab Assignment 2
Matlab Assignment 3

You are permitted to work with a single partner on all Matlab assignments.  The two of you should turn in a single, combined report.  You are not permitted to discuss these Matlab assignments with anyone else. 

These Matlab assignments are due at the beginning of class.  We will typically go over the Matlab assignments at the beginning of the class in which they are due.  Therefore, late reports will NOT be accepted. 

When you turn in your Matlab assignments, you must staple a cover sheet to the front of your report (unstapled reports will not be graded).  On this cover sheet, you must include the course number (EE 327), your names, the particular assignment (e.g. Matlab Assignment 1), the instructor's name (Dr. Graham), and the due date.  An example cover sheet in Word format can be found here (and it can be edited with the appropriate information), and an example coversheet that can be filled in by hand (PDF format) can be found here.  Also, please staple everything together prior to class since there is no guarantee that there will be a stapler in class when the assignments are due.